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- Tammy Falkner
Beautiful Bride Page 2
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Page 2
“Nothing,” she chirps. She runs her hand over PJ’s head to wake him up. He’s about to fall off the boob. He roots around and latches back on, and goes back to sucking. Man, he has the life.
“What?” I ask a little louder.
Hayley stirs and rolls over. Her blue eyes pop open and Paul groans. “The sun is shining,” she says.
Paul chuckles. “So much for finishing that nap.”
“Can I go play with Joey and Mellie?” she asks.
Paul follows her down the hallway and drops her off with Matt and Matt’s girls. He comes back and sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Peck is different,” I say.
He just stares at me and doesn’t say a word.
“You have to help me here!” I don’t know how to say what I want to say.
“She’s the one you want, huh?” Paul asks.
“She’s the one I want to get to know. But she won’t let me.”
“How does she communicate with you?” Friday asks.
“She talks.”
“With her hands?”
“Sometimes.” I shrug. “Sometimes she talks. Sometimes she signs.”
“She really talks? To you?”
I nod.
“Without tapping?”
I think back. I’m not sure she ever spoke to me when she wasn’t tapping. When she doesn’t have drumsticks in her hands, she signs. “No.”
“So, there’s your answer.” Friday is all smiles, like she just solved the secret of the universe. “Get her to talk to you. Without the tapping.”
“Why?” I don’t mind the tapping.
“Because I have a feeling that getting her to talk will be much more intimate than getting in her pants.” She looks up at Paul. “Don’t you think so?”
“I’m afraid so,” he says with a sigh.
“I don’t get it.” I throw my head back and groan.
“How many dates does it take to get in a girl’s pants?” Paul asks.
“Depends on the girl,” I mutter.
He frowns. “Girls you care about.”
“There haven’t been many of those.” I scrub a finger down my nose, because I need something to break up the stupid look I’m sure is on my face.
“Okay, so think about it like this. All the energy you would normally put into getting in her pants, you need to put into getting her to talk.”
I look at Friday and lie on her leg again. “When did you two start speaking this fucked-up language?” I ask.
“I understand it perfectly,” Friday says.
“Me too,” Paul tosses out, grinning.
“You two were no help.”
PJ falls off Friday’s boob, and I see a flash of her nipple. I look away as quickly as I can, because I don’t want to embarrass her. But, good God, looking at Friday’s boobs is like looking at Paul’s chest. I see nothing that makes my heart trip a beat in a sexy kind of way.
Friday lays PJ across her lap and buttons her shirt.
Paul watches her fingers, his eyes going smoldery as she covers herself up. Fuck, I need to get out of here.
“Thanks for not helping,” I murmur.
Paul walks over to Friday and picks PJ up. He pats his back until he belches and then he holds him out to me. “Take this, will you?” he says. Then he shoves me and PJ out the door and closes it in my face.
“Hey!” I cry. “I didn’t sign up to babysit.”
“It’ll only take a minute,” Paul yells through the door.
Friday laughs, and I hear her say, “It had better take more than a minute.”
I look down at PJ. “I hope you have a full tummy, dude, because I don’t have any boobies for you.”
He burps again and his little eyes close.
I take him out on the deck and sit down, letting the wind blow across us as we hang out together in the shade. PJ sleeps on my chest, and I watch the waves, trying to figure out what the fuck I can do to get Peck to talk to me. To really talk to me.
Friday unbuttons her shirt very slowly as she walks toward me. She’s wearing a nursing bra. I never expected white cotton with eye hooks and flaps to be sexy, but damn if it’s not sexy as hell. My dick goes hard immediately, and I adjust the fly of my shorts.
Friday drops her shirt and turns around, pulling her hair to the side so I can unhook the back of her bra. I do, and I draw the straps down and off.
She turns toward me, and I have to stop for a minute just to appreciate her. Her boobs are full and heavy, her waist not quite as narrow as it used to be, her hips a little wider, but she’s so fucking perfect that she takes my breath away.
She stands on tiptoe and wraps her arms around my neck. I palm her breasts, being gentle, because I know they’re tender. She makes a happy noise and I wrap my arms around her naked waist and pull her against me.
“How long do you think PJ will last?” she asks.
“Long enough for me to make you come at least once,” I say.
“He didn’t nurse for long. He’ll be hungry in a half hour or so.”
“I can make you come more than once in a half hour.”
The hair on her arms stands up, her naked nipples hard against my chest. “Prove it,” she says.
I pull my shirt over my head and shuck my shorts and boxers so quickly that I trip over them. She laughs until I drop down in front of her to take her pants off.
She stands in front of me naked and unashamed. Mine. All mine.
I lift her boobs and squeeze them gently. My son was just taking nourishment from these beautiful tits. There’s not much that’s more beautiful than that.
“Can I kiss them?” I ask.
“Just be easy,” she says, biting her lower lip between her teeth.
I lift one of her breasts to my lips and kiss the nipple gently. She whispers, “A little more.”
I take the dark, turgid tip into my mouth, a burst of sweetness spreading across my tongue as I give it a tug.
“Don’t suck,” she warns.
“Okay,” I whisper. But her milk is already flowing. A drop drips down across her belly and I chase it with my tongue. “Sorry,” I say. “Didn’t mean to.”
“I know,” she whispers. She lifts her other breast to my lips. “Don’t suck,” she says.
I lick instead, and nibble as gently as I can, and she threads her fingers into my hair, tugging gently as she growls.
It feels almost odd taking Friday’s nipples into my mouth with no piercings. She took them out before PJ was born. I don’t have any metal to play with, so I just concentrate on getting them hard and tongue her nipples until she pulls me away.
She walks to the bed and sits down, spreading her thighs. She’s still shaved down there, and she’s shiny and wet. I know she wants me. And God, I want her.
She points to the apex of her thighs and lies back, making room for me.
I don’t waste a moment. I dive in. I hold her thighs spread wide and slide two fingers inside her, the way I know she likes. I scissor them apart, and find the sweet spot that only I can find. She cries out as I latch onto her clit.
She holds my head in place with her hand fisted in my hair. I let her, because I know she likes to pretend like she’s in charge. Her hips arch and she rocks against my mouth. I know how to get her off like this, and quickly. I just happen to like eating at the Y and her pussy is my favorite place to be. It’s all about finding a rhythm for her. Once I have that, I will have her coming all over my face.
She cries out, and I know she’s close. She presses me harder into her pussy and I keep doing what I’m doing, because her legs are shaking around me and she’s creaming all over the place.
She breaks, her body shuddering and quaking as she cries out my name. My name is on her lips. Only mine. Always.
She pulls her hands from my hair, and I wipe my face on the sheets and climb up her body. “That was fast,” I say.
She shove
s my chest. “Stop gloating.” She laughs and rolls me over onto my back.
She leans over me and takes me into her hand, giving my dick a quick pump. “Not that,” I say. “You.”
She touches the tattoo that’s on my lower belly. I cringe. It has my ex’s name on it. “I’m going to cover this up,” she says.
“Okay.” I’d like nothing more.
“I don’t like her name being so close to your dick.”
“What do you want me to cover it with?”
“What?” she asks, stroking up and down the length of my dick with her tight fist. But she’s grinning.
I pick her up and spread her legs so that she’s straddling me.
“You’re such a bully,” she says.
But I know she’s teasing. She likes it when I pick her up and put her where I want her. She’s tough, but she’s soft, too. I know that. I think I’m the only one who does.
She leans down and kisses me. “You could have just said please,” she whispers. She takes me inside her and slowly slides down my dick, until I’m all the way in her. All the way. That’s where I want to be. Always.
“Sit up a little,” I say.
She balances with her hands flat on my chest. “Like this?” She grins and squeezes me inside her. I rock my hips and she starts to move.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” I say, hefting her boobs in my hands, strumming across her nipples.
“Be gentle,” she warns quietly.
Sometimes I forget. Although how I could with those titties in my face, I have no idea.
Friday rides me, taking me quickly, her boobs bouncing slightly, because she knows I like it hard. I hold her hips and help her. She’s tight on my dick and I’m close, but I hold off, because I want her to come again. My goal in life is to make her come as many times as possible. The second time is never a shaking, quaking clitoral orgasm, but I can feel her tighten. I can see the pleasure on her face. I can feel her when she goes all soft inside, and when she cries out my name again I pull her down to me and power into her, holding her still as I pound out my orgasm, and I feel her walls tighten on me, and then soften, and I know she came again.
Between us, my chest is wet, because she leaks milk when she comes, most of the time. Sky assures her that will stop at some point, but I don’t care. I want all the intimate parts of her. I want her to come on my dick and get breast milk on my chest, because it’s her and me and ours. It’s perfect.
I slip out of her, and she lies there on my chest, not moving, putting the soft blanket of her weight on me.
I rub my fingertips up and down her back, and she lies there quietly purring at me.
“What’s on your mind?” I ask.
“Nothing.” But she tips her head up and lays her chin on the back of her hand so she can look into my face.
“You may as well tell me. Or I’ll have to withhold sexual favors until you do.”
She laughs. “I was thinking about Sam.”
“Right now?” I try to sound astounded. But I’m not, because I was thinking about him too.
“Yes.” She giggles. But then she sobers. “Do you think he knows about Peck’s stutter?”
I shake my head. “Probably not.”
“Don’t tell him,” she says.
“I won’t.”
“It will be better if he figures it out on his own.”
“I know.” I brush her hair back from her forehead. “He’s the last one,” I say. The last one I need to get settled.
“I know.” She smiles at me. “Then you get to do it all over again with the kids you actually made.” She laughs.
“I’m not sure I can do it with a girl,” I say.
“We’ll figure it out.”
Yeah, we will.
I get a towel, dry us off, and pull Friday into my arms. Sometimes I can’t believe she’s mine.
A knock sounds on the door and I hear a baby crying. I toss Friday my shirt and she pulls it over her head. I put on my boxers. When I know she’s all covered up, I tell Sam to come in.
“He’s hungry,” Sam says. “He keeps trying to suck on my face.”
I take the baby from Sam and he leaves without saying another word. I pull the covers down and Friday draws PJ to her, and he latches on. She sighs and closes her eyes. The breast PJ isn’t on drips a little, and I can see the wet spot spreading on my shirt that she’s wearing. I’ll never get used to this. Ever.
I look down at them and think about where I was before, and where I am now. There’s another knock on the door, so I get up and pull on my shorts over the boxers. Friday tucks the covers tightly around her bottom half. Hayley bursts into the room and hops up onto the bed.
She rolls her eyes. “Is he nursing again?” she asks.
I run my hand down the length of her hair. “Yep, he was hungry.”
“Can I burp him when he’s done?”
I nod.
“Then can we go swimming?” She looks expectantly up at me.
“Sure,” Friday says.
“You’re not too tired?” I ask her. She was up several times last night feeding PJ.
She shakes her head. “I’ll just lie here until he’s done.”
She closes her eyes. I lean over and kiss her forehead. I take Hayley by the hand and lead her from the room, whispering to her. She whispers back. “I love you, Daddy,” she says with a grin.
My world is perfect. Fucking perfect.
Since I let Hayley play with the girls long enough for Paul to get laid, I’m going to let him watch mine. Yeah, I know it’s not fair. I have five. But Seth is going with them. Seth can help with Joey and Mellie, and the twins are asleep, at least for now.
I wave to the girls as they go off with Paul and Friday, and I creep back down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as I can. Friday laid PJ down for a nap and he’s in their room, so I go and look down at him. He has his legs tucked under him like a little turtle, and I wonder at the majesty that is my life. And my brothers’ lives. We went from nothing but getting a little tail every now and then to having families.
I try to count my blessings every day.
My wife.
My kids.
My brothers.
My life.
Looking back, it’s hard to remember when I was fighting to see tomorrow. My struggling days are over, at least for now. We’re never guaranteed a tomorrow, though. That’s one thing I try to remember. No one is guaranteed to see the next day, so we need to look forward to every minute.
I cover my mouth and yawn. Last night, Hoppy was up a couple of times. She isn’t doing as well as Matty, being in a strange place.
PJ lies on his tummy with his mouth open, his pink lips in a perfect bow. I take the monitor Friday left on the dresser and go back to my own room.
Both my babies are still asleep in their cribs in the adjoining room, so I close the door, taking care to muffle the click. I don’t want them to wake up. At least for a little while. I lift the covers and slide into bed behind Sky.
She murmurs something at me when I wrap my arm around her and draw her back, nestling her bottom into my lap. She’s three months pregnant, so she’s more tired now than she normally is, not to mention that she is taking care of twins who just learned to walk. And Joey and Mellie. And Seth, occasionally. I heard her griping at him last night on the deck, when he came back from the beach holding hands with a girl. He had more of her lipstick on his mouth than she had on hers.
The boy is about to start college, he’s not a virgin, and he’s more or less walking hormones, but she still laid into him. She did exactly what my mother would have done. I was proud of her when I heard it.
She settled into motherhood like she was made for it. I doubted her in the beginning, but she has devoted herself to her family, even the kids she didn’t give birth to. Joey, Mellie, and Seth are just as much our children as Matty and Hoppy are.
Sky sc
rubs her face into her pillow and then rolls toward me. “Go back to sleep,” I say.
“Nuh-uh,” she mumbles. She reaches for my zipper, and presses her fingers against my dick. “Are the kids asleep?”
“Joey and Mellie are with Paul and Friday. The twins are asleep. Seth is probably somewhere thinking about getting laid, but he’s watching Joey and Mellie while he does it.”
She snorts. Her fingers outline my dick, until she rolls toward me and pops the button of my pants. “Take these off,” she says.
“Yes ma’am.” A grin tugs at my lips as I stand up and shuck my clothes as quickly as I can. I jerk the covers off her, and see that she’s wearing panties and a T-shirt, so I lean over her and hook my fingers in the hips of her panties and pull them over her thighs and down to her toes. She kicks her foot and they fly across the room. “You sure you don’t want to finish your nap?” I look down at her beautiful face as I kneel between her legs and lift her foot up to rest on my shoulder.
“I can nap after,” she says. She grins and her cheeks grow rosy.
“I’ll get the kids after,” I say. I kiss the inside of her ankle and work my way up her calf.
“Mm-hmm,” she hums as I press a kiss to her inner thigh. “Keep going.”
“You taste like salt.”
She giggles as I scrub my day’s worth of beard stubble against her inner thigh. “Stop that,” she cries.
She lets her legs fall open and I dip my head, taking in the beauty of my wife.
I hear a noise from the adjoining room, and drop my head to Sky’s belly and groan. “They’re awake.”
The twins jabber at one another from behind the closed door. I’m guessing we have about three minutes before they start to get impatient.
Sky reaches for the nightstand and opens the drawer. She pulls out a little pink vibrator and raises her brow.
“Hell yes,” I say. I guide her hand down to her pussy, and she turns it on. I grin, and slide inside her.
She’s wet and hot and I am ready to come almost as soon as I get inside her. But she’s not quite ready yet.
The twins in the other room get louder. I sit up and lift Sky’s feet and cross them, then put them on my left shoulder. I lean forward, and her hips tilt up. I shove her T-shirt above her tits, and tug gently on the left, elongating it with my fingertips, stretching it gently but firmly. Since she’s not nursing now, I can be a little rougher.